Worth Ave. Group - Providing peace of mind to consumers for over 50 years.
Worth Ave. Group: Mobile Device Insurance

Homeowner's Insurance Vs. Worth Ave. Group Policies

Complete Mobile Device Coverage

Homeowners Insurance-Big Nets Have Little Holes

I already have homeowner's insurance. Why do I need mobile device insurance?

Mobile Device Insurance provides coverage for most essential devices. The standard HO-3 homeowners policy was intended to protect you from a catastrophic loss. In doing so, you trade a "small known expense" (your homeowners premium and deductible) to the insurer which then takes on the much larger expense (the cost of replacing your home, its outbuildings, and all of your personal property).

Now, that's a pretty good deal; however big nets do have little holes in them.

Your homeowners policy is a "big net" to cover all of that risk, but the more little things it covers, the higher its premium will be. That's where Worth Ave. Group comes in. Homeowners policies have limitations on mobile electronic devices as to how they are covered, where they are covered, and how much they are covered for. Worth Ave. Group builds our plans specifically for mobile electronic devices.

Take a look at this comparison:

Coverage Type Worth Ave. Group Homeowner's Insurance
Business/Work Related Use
World Wide Coverage
Accidental Damage Sometimes
Deductible Options $50 - $75 Per Homeowners
Replacement Cost Standard
No Risk of Higher Premium Due To Claims
No Scheduling of Items Required
Flood Coverage

Restrictions May Apply: Please review your policy booklet for full coverage details.
