More and more schools are offering one to one laptop initiatives for their students. Technology has changed the way we do just about everything, including education. School districts have taken the lead and have incorporated technology in the everyday learning process. Computers have been used in schools since the 1980s with their popularity increasing as technology has increased. Now that electronic devices are more affordable than ever, schools have begun issuing them to students to include in the curriculum. From taking online spelling tests to turning in homework into the teacher’s DropBox, these devices have made the education process more high tech than ever. Apple has the most popular program by offering MacBooks on a lease while the students are in school. Lenovo also has a similar program that makes them a close second in the race. However, depending on the needs of the school and students, they have a variety of devices to choose from to meet their needs. Schools are not only issuing laptops but are issuing iPads and iPod Touches as well. Another big voice in the educational technology world is SMARTBoard. Many students have SMARTBoards in their classrooms that allow the teachers to teach lessons on an interactive white board. As a large pen and touch screen, teachers are able to use websites and various programs to teach the students. This board in combination with school issued laptops packs a big punch in the educational experience.
I’ll be interested to see where this trend will take us. I’d imagine that in the future, the days of textbooks will be obsolete. Why would the schools issure textbooks when the students could download the book on their laptop, iPad or e-Reader? The sky is the limit for where education will take these products. The real winners here are the students, that not only are learning the curriculum material but how to use these devices as well.
Worth Ave. Group, made it’s start by covering laptops at schools that have laptop programs. We insure entire school districts and the laptops they issue. If your school is looking into starting a one to one program, don’t forget about insurance. Students can often be careless with their devices and damages can easily occur. Worth Ave. Group can offer the protection you need, covering the device for Theft, Fire, Flood, Natural Disasters as well as Accidental Damage such as drops and spills. To get a competitive rate, call today and ask to speak with a School Coordinator.