Like every week, there is new news on the next iPhone.
The newest updates say an announcement will be made on Tuesday Oct. 4 by Apple's new CEO Tim Cook. This announcement will be extremely important to Apple as a company, not just about the iPhone. This will be the first announcement/media event since Steve Jobs resigned and Cook will need to reassure stockholders, customers and Apple enthusiasts that he can maintain and grow the company.
Another news or slip you could say came from Apple Board Member Al Gore. When Gore was speaking at a conference in South Africa earlier this week, he slipped and said "Not to mention the new iPhones coming out next month. That was a plug." Maybe this isn't firm confirmation of the new iPhone, it's more believable than some of the other sources we've heard from.
No matter when Apple releases the new phone or phones, they will surely be a big hit like they have been in the past but only time will tell when we finally get to purchase them!
If you do go out and buy the new phone, don't forget to get it insured with one of our policies! Don't want anything happening to it right after you purchase it.