Remember when the iPhone 5 came out and there was a big stink about the maps app? Back then I wrote about how the Apple Maps iOS app wasn't that great and how most people seemed to miss Google Maps, which was the original iOS maps app. Well, it seems some people think Apple's version is still better than Google's and others.
Some people call it the iPod of smart home technology. I call it iWant. Sure, the iWant has been used before relating to anything Apple, and this isn't an Apple product - but it reminds me of the awesome technology that's out there now, but this is for your home..
The reign of Apple being the most valuable company ended on Friday. After one year of being the most valuable company, it lost that title to Exxon as their shares slipped.
Just announced yesterday, Apple has said there will be yet another iPad option to buy. It's not enough there was the first generation, second, third, iPad Mini out there - but you now have another option if you need the massive additional space.
If you are a business traveler or constantly on the go, you probably use airport and restaurant's wi-fi networks. Most places offer free wi-fi and it's not just at Starbucks anymore. They are a necessary evil.
So the backstory is this, Facebook began to test the free calling over Wi-Fi and cellular data for users in Canada that had the Messenger app. Those awesome Canadian's must've not had any major issues so Facbook decided to roll it out to the good ole U.S. of A.
For our first post here in 2013, I wanted it to be monumental. One that will set the tone for the whole year. The one that would have everyone talking at the watercooler about. What exactly is a watercooler though? Sorry, I digress.
It's that time of year. Time to get rid of old bad habits. Time to make resolutions for the New Year. Of course, the most popular one has always been and will always be, losing weight/getting more fit. There are others, like stop smoking, save money, get out of debt - you've heard them all. But have you thought about technology resolutions?
To quote a Marv Albert famous saying, Twitter was "On Fire!" last night. What may you ask was the reason is probably a silly question, but it was a result of the Presidential Election.
Jeepers y'all, did you see the iPad Mini announcement from Apple yesterday? I mentioned how excited I was in a recent post about it coming out and it certainly has garnered quite a bit of buzz, mostly about the negatives.