There's a lot to consider when purchasing a new smartphone case to protect your device. You may consider yourself a clumsy person and drop your phone constantly or could work around water, which could damage your device with one splash. No matter the scenario, people like to accessorize their smartphones or simply want their devices to be protected. With the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus recently released, you might be looking for the perfect case - especially after early reports were saying the phone might have a bending problem.
Recently, John Legere, CEO of T-Mobile, said in an interview that Apple's iPhone 6 Plus has sold much more than the company originally anticipated, Re/code reported.
Tablets are quickly being adopted by school districts around the U.S., and some experts believe the new portable technology is improving student engagement. According to a study by Kajeet and Project Tomorrow, tablets were given to two different schools for eighth graders to use in class and outside of school.
A month after the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus were released, Apple appears to still not be out of the gate for criticism. According to Business Insider, the newest problem that has several iPhone 6 Plus users scratching their heads is a string of system crashes and repeat rebooting incidents.
It has been a month since Apple released its iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus smartphones, and some of the early sales results show the larger model is a bit behind in sold phones.
In the National Football League, major changes have come to the sidelines. Fans might have noticed after the offensive players head to the bench, they're all picking up tablets and quickly scrolling through them.
The implementation of tablet devices in school districts is gaining popularity across the world, and more educators are prepping the next generation with computers in the instructors hands the entire way. According to Deseret News, children between the ages of 5 and 7 are already learning computer coding and Web development in European countries.
While portable electronic devices become more important to us each day, the risk of having a device stolen is still extremely high. Thieves are constantly changing their ways to steal smartphones, tablets and laptops. Additionally, the demand for these devices keeps thieves busy, as they are looking to get their hands on anyone's device.
It has been a long time coming for credit cards to go the wayside as technology could make it more possible to pay for things by smartphone. On Oct. 20, Apple released Apple Pay, its new system for purchasing goods through Phones, USA Today reported.
With the recent release of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, customers are scouring the Internet to find the best games for their new devices. According to Apple Insider, 25 percent of Apple's iPhone sales were from the larger iPhone 6 Plus.