Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, had some harsh criticisms for the current CEO, Tim Cook, in a recent interview with CNN Money. Wozniak left Apple in 1987 but was one of the main pioneers of creating the computer company with Steve Jobs.
Classrooms around the nation are changing rapidly as many schools introduce iPads and other tablets into the classroom. For some students, the change can be a bit of a whirlwind. Most students use tablets for personal entertainment and suddenly the shift has made the device an educational tool.
A new report from Good Technology showed that enterprise smartphone users were roughly times as likely to purchase an iPhone 6 instead of the larger iPhone 6 Plus.
A Palo Alto, California-based company called Osmo has announced it recently received $12 million in funding to create the new "Play Movement" app on tablets for kids to better interact and socialize with mobile devices, Venture Beat reported.
Microsoft released its newest version of Office on Nov. 6, which is a big move to attract more Apple users with its software. According to PC World, the latest Office release is intended for iOS, works across several Apple devices and gives users the opportunity for free editing and content creation. The new Office is available for those who have an Office 365 account and for those who don't. The suite will allow iOS users to run Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
A new report released by the International Data Corporation said smartphone shipments volume increased more than 25 percent in the third quarter of 2014 globally. Additionally, the report discovered smartphone shipments reached more than 300 million units for the second quarter in a row.
Apple just can't seem to avoid controversy whenever it launches its newest iPhone model. When the iPhone 4 was released, there was "antennagate," which had many users experiencing dropped calls and low service power. Now, with the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, "bendgate" is still surging on social media sites a month and a half after the device was released, Boy Genius Report stated.
Teachers and school board administrators know that digital classrooms are not so futuristic as indicated by numerous schools that are implementing tablets for their students. Tablets allow students to have research tools at their fingertips while at school and home. These devices help teachers as well with class planning, interaction activities, collecting homework assignments and sending digital progress reports to a parent's email.
We've all been there or at least know people who suddenly realized their gadgets weren't on their persons anymore. Thieves on trains, on buses and in busy streets are able to your device without you even noticing or sometimes will simply take it out of your hands.
Alberto Villarreal, head of the industrial design team for the Google Nexus 9 tablet, explained the release date was not intentional to compete with the recently launched iPad Air 2, although it was released a day before Apple announced its new tablet, International Business Times reported.