The International Data Corporation recently reported that in the fourth quarter of 2014, overall sales of tablets and more specifically, iPads, were lower this year than the previous. The slight decline in sales has the tablet industry moving toward educational outlets and for young children.
The numerous smartphones released in 2014 brought new technology to consumers' hands, but which devices stood out among the rest? The smartphone competition increases each year, while many expect Apple's iPhone to lead the pack. However, there are several devices that held their fair share of the market for the year.
Tablet sales are starting to finally slow down across the nation, but as the market barely begins to dwindle, computer manufacturers are starting to target the education industry at full force. According to a report from the International Data Corporation, in 2014, year-over-year tablet shipments fell to 7.2 percent from the massive 52.5 percent in 2013.
On Nov. 16, Hall High School, located in Little Rock, Arkansas, was the victim of yet another burglary involving iPads used for at the school for educational purposes, CBS affiliate KTHV reported.
While some people are still extremely eager to get their hands on a new iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus this holiday season, others are already looking to see what could be in store for Apple next season, Forbes reported.
College campuses around the nation are fast to adopt new technology for students and teachers alike. The online world is grasping hold of how educators reach out to students or provide them with educational information. According to the National Center for Atmospheric Research, many educational settings are investing in the technology to serve a larger audience.
Tablet manufacturers quickly turned their attention to educational uses because so many students depend on the devices for schoolwork. According to the International Data Corporation, tablets maintained double-digit growth in the U.S. through the third quarter of 2014 because of back-to-school spending.
In the early reports of the release of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, it seems as if the 4.7-inch screen of the regular 6 model is appealing to the majority of Apple smartphone buyers. According to a Consumer Intelligence Research Partners report, the iPhone 6 has accounted for nearly 70 percent of all iPhone sales, while the iPhone 6 Plus was just under 25 percent, Apple Insider reported.
The classroom setting for middle-school students has drastically changed in the last few years. With the introduction of new technology, many schools are adopting tablets and using them in daily lesson plans. According to the Daily Astorian, it is not strange to hear middle school kids in a classroom whispering, "Do you have your charger?" or telling a teacher that they left their tablets at home.
A new report from the International Data Center has discovered that among laptop and tablet sales for K-12 educational settings, the Google Chromebook was the best-selling device throughout the category this year.