Teachers and students across the nation are gaining more access to mobile devices in the classroom through technology grants and digital classroom initiatives. Another school that recently joined the digital learning wave was Hilliard Station and Tharp school in Columbus, Ohio, Hilliard Northwest News reported.
According to The Associated Press, the Amish community in Berlin, Ohio, is getting used to the technology created for educational purposes. Traditional Amish heritage does not support new technological devices, but with the integration in public schools, even the Amish community is embracing the new gadgets.
If you ever thought your tablet's screen could be a little bit bigger, California-based digital device manufacturer Fuhu has you covered - and then some. According to PC World, Fuhu recently showed off its new massive tablets at the Consumer Electronics Show, which range from 20-inch screen television-sized devices, to mammoth 65-inch display tablets that could take up a large chunk of your wall.
It's a question many people ask themselves when they first buy a new smartphone - should I consider insuring my device? It's a lot of money up front when you purchase a new device and with activation fees, taxes, a new phone case and other add-ons, smartphone insurance can suddenly move to the back burner of your top priorities. However, putting off smartphone insurance could be a critical mistake in the long run.
Cold weather can damage your screen by permanently dimming it at 10 degrees, cause battery issues at negative 10 degrees, force the device to shut off at negative 20 degrees, cause irreversible LCD and battery problems at negative 30 degrees and completely ruin the device between negative 40 degrees and negative 55 degrees, Popular Mechanics reported.
The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus were released roughly three months ago, and now some officials are saying that the massive 6 Plus is affecting the sales of tablet devices, Inquisitr reported.
A new report was recently released that showed Apple's dominance that still lingers among the tablet, laptop and smartphone industries. According to the data firm Chegg, college students still prefer Apple products among all other competitors.
Smartphone users have grown significantly over the past couple of years, and with more people carrying the expensive high-tech gadgets around, the number of thefts rises as well. According to NPR Boston affiliate WBUR, smartphone manufacturers are doing everything they possibly can to increase the security of their devices for consumers, but theft still runs around the clock.
In San Gabriel Valley, California, the teachers and principals of Bassett Unified school district received a Christmas present right before the holidays. According to the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, the school district issued more than 200 tablets to its educators before their holiday break so they could spend time with the devices before they implement the new technology into the classroom.
In 2014, tablets and smartphones seemed to dominate the news with new technology and apps available on these devices. While 2014 brought consumers a massive iPhone and the thinnest tablet ever created, next year could have some treats for gadget lovers as well.