Woman SleepingDo you consistently have issues getting a good night’s rest? If so, you are not alone! In fact, it has been reported that 50-70 million US adults have been diagnosed with some sort of sleep disorder. These disorders range from chronic snoring to insomnia, which is the most common form of sleeping disorder. And while 50-70 million have admitted to possessing a sleep disorder, there are, presumably, millions more that have simply ignored their own warning signs. This is where technology can be utilized as an aid!

One of the most commons adages of this decade has been, “There’s an app for that”. Well, that adage could not be truer in 2018 when it comes to sleep monitoring! In the following blog, we have taken a look at some of the best sleep trackers and apps available to help you detect opportunities to improve your sleep.

  1. SleepCycle App1. SleepCycle

    This iOS app is available for only $0.99 on your Apple iPhone. Its tracking features center around the idea of waking you up during your “light” sleeping cycle. The natural progression of the sleep cycle is:

    1. Light Sleep
    2. Deep Sleep
    3. REM-Sleep
    4. Light Sleep

    When you hit that last stage of light sleep, this app will set an alarm that will prepare to wake you up at the optimal time of your cycle. This app is enabled by the iPhone accelerometer, which tracks your movement during certain sleep cycles.

  3. Sleep Better App2. Sleep Better

    The Sleep Better app is free among both the iOS and Android platform. Much like SleepCycle, this app utilizes your devices accelerometer to track your quality of sleep. By tracking your movements during your light and deep sleep phases, this app will give you a percentage of efficiency of which you are sleeping. Added on features include: moon phase tracker, caffeine log and dream diary. The app will also maintain a log of each night you have set the app to monitor your sleeping habits, which will help you determine trends and potential room for improvement.

  5. Good Morning Alarm Clock App3. Good Morning Alarm Clock

    This revolutionary app, monitors the same data mentioned in the above two apps, but also has some additional features to actually aid you during the sleeping process. Along with tracking your movements during various sleeping cycles, the Good Morning Alarm Clock also provides a white noise generator, which will provide you with some relaxing sounds to help you effectively achieve your sleep cycles. All you have to do is set your desired wake-up time, and the app will assist you in setting a proper alarm based on your sleep activity. For Android users, you can get this app free of charge! However, for iPhone users, unfortunately, you will have to spend $4.99 to acquire this app.


So what do you think? Are you going to give any of these sleep monitoring apps a chance? Effective sleep is an undervalued activity, but can make a big difference in the overall effectiveness of your day. Start taking your sleeping habits more seriously!